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libidp - Iterative Dynamic Programming Library in C

This page is for libidp, the core library in my research that implements the IDP optimal control algorithm and all the additions I have made to it in my research. The libidp package is relatively simple with few dependencies, and is Free software (distributed under the GNU GPL license). This package is a small subset of the software I used in my research. The full software package is located here.

My dissertation is needed to follow this page, so it will be helpful to open it in another window. Chapter 3 of my dissertation gives an introduction to the IDP algorithm.

libidp abstracts the IDP algorithm as much as possible. The test problem test.c included with the package gives a good example of how it works. The test problem solves the basic Park-Ramirez bioreactor optimal control problem from Chapter 2 of my dissertation and outputs time-value pairs to a file. The test.c file is about 250 lines of code, most of which is comments or settings. Although there is no formal documentation for libidp, it should be easy to change the ODE model by modifying the test.c example file.

You can download libidp from the Sourceforge download page.

The announcement mailing list (very low traffic) is here.

The users mailing list is here.