SSH-REVERSE-TUNNEL(1) User Commands SSH-REVERSE-TUNNEL(1) NAME ssh-reverse-tunnel - create robust reverse ssh tunnels or VPNs SYNOPSIS Usage: ssh-reverse-tunnel client [options] or: ssh-reverse-tunnel server [options] or: ssh-reverse-tunnel --help or --version (gives the full manual or version info) Without --vpn, a set of TCP port forwards is set using the --ports options. With --vpn, a VPN is set up using PPP over SSH. Identical commands are run on both client and server sides, with the exception of the first argument being "client" or "server" as appropri- ate. OPTIONS NOTE: All command-line options have analagous options available in the optional configuration file, which defaults to /etc/ssh-reverse-tun- nel.conf. Options common to all modes: --client-mode-timeout time Wait time seconds for a connection while in client mode --configuration-file file Use file as the configuration file instead of the default (/etc/ssh-reverse-tunnel.conf). If used, this option must be the first option after client or server. --remote-commands check for remote commands, see the REMOTE COMMAND FEATURE section --server-host server_host The server hostname from the client's point of view --server-mode-timeout time Wait time seconds for a connection while in server mode --server-ssh-port port The ssh port on the server (default is 22) --server-user server_user A user account on server_host --ssh-extra-options string Extra options string to be passed directly to ssh (remem- ber shell quoting if string has spaces in it) --verbose Give verbose output ssh port forwarding option: --ports ports_string where ports_string is one or more of the pattern server_port:localhost:client_port separated by spaces where server_port is the TCP port to use on the server side client_port is the TCP port to use on the client side For each pattern in ports_string, the server_port on the server is for- warded to the client_port on the client. The same ports_string should be used on both client and server. The ports_string patterns are actually passed directly to the ssh -R option. Note that "localhost" in the -R command refers to localhost on the client side. A way to remember this is that the host in an ssh port forward triplet is always relative to the port forward connection endpoint (as opposed to the ssh connection endpoint). Server mode options: --client-host client_host The client hostname from the point of view of the client --client-user client_user A user account on client_host --server-host-client-alias host An alias for server_host on the server to avoid ssh host key conflict (see section: EXAMPLE - RESOLVING HOST KEY CONFLICTS) VPN options: --vpn Create a VPN tunnel over PPP instead of SSH port forwarding tun- nel --client-ssh-port port The ssh port on the client (default is 22) --client-vpn-address client_address The client-side IP address will be client_address --server-vpn-address server_address The server-side IP address will be server_address --client-pppd-command client_pppd_command Execute client_pppd_command for pppd on client --server-pppd-command server_pppd_command Execute server_pppd_command for pppd on server DESCRIPTION ssh-reverse-tunnel allows you to set up tunnels so that you can connect to a computer which doesn't allow incoming connections. This is done by using a "server" computer which does accept incoming connections. The "client" which doesn't accept incoming connections connects to the server and sets up a reverse tunnel. There are two ways to do this. Method 1: ssh reverse tunnels (without --vpn option) ssh's reverse tunnel feature (the -R option) can create reverse tunnels for specific TCP ports. The advantage of this is that you can set up a service, such as sshd or imapd, easily and con- nect from any host on the internet through a forwarded port on the server. The limitation is that only specified TCP ports are forwarded. Method 2: VPN using PPP (with --vpn option) A VPN (virtual private network) can be created using ssh and pppd if you have root access or sudo access to pppd on both client and server. The advantage is that this is a full network interface with all the power and complexity that entails. Be sure and see the section EXAMPLE - CREATING A VPN for limita- tions with this approach. ssh-reverse-tunnel is essentially a helper script, which will monitor the tunnel connection on both sides. When either the client or server side can't connect to the other side, it kills ssh and/or pppd on its side and sets up a marker to tell the other side to restart. When the connection goes down, it complains to standard output only once unless in verbose mode, so that the script can be run frequently by cron with- out filling up the logs when the connection is down. It also reports once after a connection has been re-established. PREREQUISITES ssh-reverse-tunnel will be impossible to use if you don't understand how to set up passwordless logins with ssh. One place this is described: Google for "passwordless ssh" is also a good way to find out how to do this. EXAMPLE - BASIC REVERSE PORT FORWARD Suppose host client_host is behind a firewall that only allows outgoing connections, but you want to be able to ssh in to client_host from out- side the firewall. To accomplish this, you will use server_host, which does allow incoming connections on port 2222, and forward port 2222 on server_host to port 22 on client_host using ssh reverse port forward- ing. For this simple example, you only need a user account client_user on client_host and a user account server_user on server_host. First, set up passwordless ssh logins from client_user@client_host to server_user@server_host and run: client_user@client_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel client \ --ports 2222:localhost:22 \ --server-user server_user --server-host server_host You can now log in to client_host by connecting to server_host port 2222 locally: server_user@server_host$ ssh -p2222 client_user@server_host EXAMPLE - ADDING MORE PORT FORWARDS The following extends the example so far to also forward server_host port 2225 to client_host port 25: client_user@client_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel client \ --ports "2222:localhost:22 2225:localhost:25" \ --server-user server_user --server-host server_host EXAMPLE - RESOLVING HOST KEY CONFLICTS There may be a problem with connecting to server_host port 2222 on server_host, though. If you have an ssh host key for server_host already, when you connect with the above command ssh will receive the host key from client_host because of the port forwarding. ssh will see that the host key for server_host doesn't match what it expects, and figure the key has changed because of a man in the middle attack, and will fail. One way around this is to create an alias server_host_client_alias to server_host in the /etc/hosts file on server_host, and then use the following to connect to client_host: server_user@server_host$ ssh -p2222 client_user@server_host_client_alias Another way that is less desirable, but may work if you don't have root access on server_host is to use the ssh option "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no". This will only work with passwordless login: server_user@server_host$ ssh -p2222 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no \ client_user@server_host EXAMPLE - CONNECT FROM ANYWHERE If you want to be able to login to client_host from any host, you might expect that the ssh -g option would work, but it doesn't (see Debian Bug #228064 at port.cgi?bug=228064). Instead, add the line: GatewayPorts yes to the sshd configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config on Debian) on remote_host. Be aware that this opens up ALL ports forwarded by sshd on remote_host, so if you don't want some other ports forwarded, you will need to set up your firewall appropriately, or complain about the -g bug. You can now log in to client_host from any host with: any_host$ ssh -p2222 client_user@client_alias where client_alias is an alias for remote_host to solve the host key collision problem described in the previous section. EXAMPLE - CREATING A ROBUST TUNNEL If the simple example above meets your needs, you should probably eval- uate the autossh program, described below in the SEE ALSO section. In my experience, when connection conditions are bad, the sshd process on the server which is holding the reverse-forwarded port open may need to be restarted. This currently requires root access on the server, see the LIMITATIONS AND BUGS section for the reason. This script can be used to keep a tunnel up all the time if it is run regularly on both client and server via cron. When used this way, the first tunnel in ports_string should always be back to the ssh port on client_host, since this tunnel is used to test a round-trip ssh connec- tion. Continuing with the example, on client_host, cron should execute: client_user@client_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel client --ports 2222:local- host:22 \ --server-user server_user --server-host server_host and on server_host, cron should execute (as root): root@server_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel server --ports 2222:localhost:22 \ --server-user server_user --server-host server_host \ --client-user client_user --client-host client_host \ --server-host-client-alias server_host_client_alias Note that the second command is the same as the first with a few options added. The server command given would also work on the client side, with the first argument changed from "server" to "client". To run this example using a configuration file, you would set up the values in the configuration file as above, then use the same configura- tion file on both sides. If all the options are set correctly in the configuration file, you would just run: client_user@client_host$ ssh-reverse-runnel client and root@server_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel server Before setting up the cron scripts, the following should work without passwords: client_user@client_host$ ssh server_user@server_host root@server_host$ ssh -p2222 client_user@server_host_client_alias EXAMPLE - CREATING A VPN This is not the best way to create a VPN! It is however, the easiest way I know to create a semi-robust VPN to a computer behind a firewall. You don't need to change anything with your firewall or your NAT router, for instance. There are several downsides to this method. It works poorly for large transfers or for connections where latency is important (like X, vnc, or shells). If the tunnel is restarted for whatever reason, any estab- lished connections will be dropped. See for the technical discussion of why this is a bad way to implement a VPN. OpenVPN is a much better solution for a serious VPN that can be created for all sit- uations where ssh-reverse-tunnel can be used and more. The only advan- tage of this script over OpenVPN for creating a VPN is that it's extremely easy to configure. Consider the VPN mode of the script a demo or toy. For this example, we're going to create a VPN at IP on server_host and IP on client_host. ssh-reverse-tunnel will be run as root on both hosts every two minute via cron. 1) Setup passwordless login from root@client_host to server_user@server_host. 2) Set up sudo so that server_user@server_host can run pppd. Add the line: server_user ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pppd to /etc/sudoers on server_host. 3) Run this command on the client to start the tunnel, and later set it up to run via cron every 2 minutes: root@client_host$ ssh-reverse-tunnel client --vpn \ --server-user server_user --server-host server_host \ --client-user client_user --client-host client_host \ --client-vpn-address --server-vpn-address \ --server-pppd-command "sudo pppd" 4) Set up passwordless ssh login from root@server_host to client_user@ 5) Run the command in step 3 on the server every two minutes via cron, but change the first argument from "client" to "server". MANUALLY RESTARTING THE TUNNEL If you can't get a connection from server_host to client_host, create the file /home/server_user/.ssh-reverse-tunnel.restart.client_host on server_host. The next time ssh-reverse-tunnel is run for this tunnel on the client side, it will see this file and restart the ssh tunnel. The restart marker file will be deleted by the client side only after the tunnel is successfully restarted. REMOTE COMMAND FEATURE If the --remote-commands option is given in client mode, ssh-reverse- tunnel will look for the file /home/server_user/.ssh-reverse-tunnel.command.client_host on server_host and execute the contents on client_host using /bin/sh. This is useful for debugging, and possibly other uses. The command file is deleted on server_host after it is executed. WHAT'S GOING ON IN DETAIL On the client side when run in client mode, the following occurs: 1) execute contents of the remote command file if needed (see REMOTE COMMAND FEATURE) 2) kill the client-side ssh tunnel process if the kill file exists (see MANUALLY RESTARTING THE TUNNEL) 3) if the tunnel is already running, return with exit status 0 4) if the tunnel is not running, start tunnel a) if the tunnel is not running after client_mode_timeout, abort with error message b) remove the kill marker file on server_host if it exists On the server side when run in server mode as root, the following occurs: 1) attempt to create a connection to the client through the tun- nel, then through this connection connect back to the server and create /home/server_user/.ssh-reverse-tunnel.server_con- nect.client_host 2) if the the marker file hasn't been created after server_mode_timeout: a) kill the tunnel processes on the server b) kill the client-side tunnel processes by creating the file on server_host described in the section MANUALLY RESTARTING THE TUNNEL FILES /etc/ssh-reverse-tunnel.conf Default configuration file location. Command-line options over- ride anything here. LIMITATIONS AND BUGS Only one tunnel from a given client to a server can exist, although one server can have tunnels from multiple clients. This shouldn't be too much of a problem since one tunnel can have multiple port forwards. Server mode requires root access. This is because netstat -lp doesn't return the PID of port listeners to non-root users, even if those users own the process which is listening on the port. A Debian bug has been filed against this problem ( port.cgi?bug=292453). ssh-reverse-tunnel may only work using the GNU utilities, since it does things like pull the 7th column from the output of netstat. I don't have the ambition to test on non-GNU utilities, although I will accept patches to make it more portable. ssh-reverse-tunnel has only been tested with OpenSSH. Report bugs to AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2005 Daniel M. Webb. This program comes with NO WAR- RANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the COPYING file. SEE ALSO autossh - Use like a normal ssh command, except autossh keeps the connec- tion up VPN PPP-SSH HOWTO on OpenVPN - A full-featured VPN that can be used in all the places ssh- reverse-tunnel can and more ssh-reverse-tunnel 0.5.3 January 2005 SSH-REVERSE-TUNNEL(1)